Information Legend

Organisational legends with a firm grip on data.


Information Legend

You are an intelligent, solution-oriented organiser with an affinity with government. You are the kind of person who can use digital tools to create structure in governmental organisations. A real problem solver with an eye for structure and improvement. You are the legendary hero of information management that we are waiting for.


Information Legends are geniuses at kick starting change

  • They feel comfortable amid complex data flows
  • They have no problem persuading others of the merits of their plans
  • They spot a mistake a mile away
  • Born organising talents who jeep an eye on everything
  • Socially and verbally strong
  • Heroes at implementing systems


Bastiaan Klomp

Spring Professional told me: ‘We have the perfect candidate. You have to talk to them.’ And they were right.


Information Legends are the organisers and change makers of the future

  • They are the quintessential digital natives
  • They have a sharp, critical mind, yet are also socially committed
  • They have a positive, enthusiastic open outlook
  • They are always looking for things to improve
  • They have no problem testing an organisation’s limits or making a name for themselves


Positions for Information Legends

Information Legends often work as:

  • Information specialists
  • Information analysts
  • Archival staff
  • Information security experts
  • Application managers


Where will I end up? I can hardly wait for what’s next.


Get in touch

Contact us or come by for a chat and, together, we will determine whether your talents, motivation and ambition are a good match for our Information Legends. See you soon!


Information management not for you?

Don’t fit the Information Legend description? Maybe one of our other profiles suits you better!