Boost your business

Young Professionals voor organisaties



Young Professionals

Every organisation in every sector faces an incredible challenge: the digital transformation is quickly gaining momentum and there is no turning back. Which is fortunate, because there are fascinating times ahead. At the same time, it is important that you have the staff you need to tackle these changes head on. This is why we started Spring Professional. It’s a win-win situation: organisations find the motivated, talented young professionals they need and the talents gain experience and learn to face the challenges of business.


Why choose Spring Professional?

  • A specialised traineeship organisation with a nation-wide network.
  • Active as a professional partner for public and private organisations for 30 years.
  • Specialisation and focus on five fields that lack talent.
  • We find talents that think and act differently.
  • The financial security and position of The Adecco Group, the world’s largest HR services provider.


Our partners in crime

For the talent-development portion of our traineeships, we collaborate with the best specialised training institutions and experienced professionals. This is how our generation Z talents learn everything they need to kick start their careers and offer added value on the job from day one. Valuable skills range from knowledge about your field to soft skills such as leadership and strategic thinking. Our collaboration can take many shapes: from bootcamps lasting a few days to inspirational speakers at our Young Professionals after-work get-togethers.

bestuursacademie nederland spring professional-min
SPRING PROFESSIONALMeet Bestuursacademie Nederland

Bestuursacademie Nederland is the leading authority in the field of training sessions for the civil service and offers a complete range of accredited MBO, HBO [Dutch higher education qualifications] and master’s degrees for government professionals.

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ludens spring professional

Using our effective training programmes we help young, talented people reach their full potential.
Our training sessions assume everyone is talented, not that talents can be learned. Our programme is not a goal in itself, but a means to an end. That end is to gain insight into the qualities you possess so you can make a real difference in your job.

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kenneth smith spring professional

Kenneth Smit, the market leader for training in various fields, including sales, has been providing fascinating hands-on training sessions for over 30 years. We specialise in active training sessions and programmes which create noticeable changes in the students’ attitude.

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Talent development

A tailor-made programme for young talents. During the traineeship, we prepare young professionals for their new goal: helping your organisation to adopt the digital first approach. They are provided with a personal coach, training sessions to improve their technical expertise and personal skills, and plenty of networking events to prepare them for work.




We have various traineeships in the fields of Sales, Finance, Engineering & Technology, Information Management and IT & Development.


Let’s match!
Your contact for each field

spring professional martijn-minIT & DEVELOPMENTMartijn Dankaart

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.

spring-professional-pascal-alberts-minINFORMATIEMANAGEMENTPascal Alberts

Don’t believe in luck, we make our own great future.

spring-professional-niek-minfinanceNiek Lebbink

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what others say you cannot do.

Rob BeekmanSALESRob Beekman

The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary

Timo GroeneveldENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTimo Groeneveld

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me


Is your organisation ready to take the leap?

Opting for Spring Professional is to select driven, digital natives who recently graduated or have some work experience. This makes it possible for your organisation to quickly and efficiently involve young talent. We guarantee intensive coaching and mentoring. Our young professionals get everything they need to boost your organisation.